Signs of a Damaged Smartphone Battery and How to Fix It

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Batteries are a crucial component of smartphone devices. They are the main source of power that provides the power to run the device. Without a battery, a smartphone cannot be used.

However, smartphone batteries are susceptible to damage over time, like all other hardware components. If a smartphone battery is damaged, the smartphone will quickly run out of battery and may even shut down suddenly. Therefore, it is essential to know the signs of a damaged smartphone battery so that it can be anticipated immediately.

Signs of a damaged smartphone battery

Capacity decreases rapidly

One of the first and most common signs that a smartphone battery may be damaged is when its capacity decreases quickly. Initially, a smartphone can be used all day on a single battery charge, but now it requires several charges. This could indicate that the cells within the battery have degraded or become damaged.

The phone shuts down suddenly

If a smartphone often shuts down suddenly even though the battery is not yet empty, this could be a sign that the battery on the smartphone is experiencing problems. A phone that shuts down suddenly often indicates that the battery can no longer maintain enough power to run the device properly.

Device heats up during battery recharge

If a smartphone device feels very hot during recharging, this could be a sign that the battery is damaged. High temperatures during battery charging can cause further damage to the battery and even threaten the device’s safety.

Battery swells

One of the clearest signs that a smartphone battery is damaged is if the battery starts to swell. A swollen battery can cause physical damage to the device and can even be a hazard if left unrepaired.

The battery does not fully charge

If a smartphone battery does not fully charge even after being charged for several hours, this could be a sign that the smartphone battery is damaged. Various issues, such as damaged cells within the battery or a faulty charging circuit, can cause this.

The phone suddenly shuts down at a high battery percentage

If a phone suddenly shuts down when the battery indicator still shows a high percentage, this could also be a sign that the smartphone battery is having problems. This issue may be caused by instability in the battery-generated voltage.

Fixing a damaged smartphone battery

To fix problems with a damaged smartphone battery, try calibrating the smartphone battery to help the device system recognize the smartphone battery. You can also contact a phone service center or a qualified technician. They can help with more accurate diagnosis and provide the best solution, including battery replacement.

Preventing smartphone battery damage

  1. Avoid overcharging your smartphone.
  2. Do not let your smartphone run out of power completely.
  3. Please avoid using your smartphone while it is charging.
  4. Use the original charger.
  5. Make sure the input power is in accordance with the instructions.
  6. Keep your smartphone’s temperature from getting too hot.
  7. Avoid using your smartphone in hot places.

Remember that proper care for your smartphone battery, such as avoiding overcharging or using it in very high temperatures, can help extend the battery life and prevent further damage.

If you notice any signs of a damaged smartphone battery, it is best to replace the battery as soon as possible. A damaged battery can pose a safety hazard, and it may also damage your smartphone. When replacing a smartphone battery, it is vital to use a battery that is compatible with your device. You can find compatible batteries at most electronics stores

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