Causes of Smartphone Running Slow

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Smartphones are devices that are commonly used daily to do work or unwind looking for entertainment. With smartphones, the world feels like a slight grip on the hand. For various reasons, of course, smartphones are expected to continue working optimally. However, it is inevitable that, eventually, smartphones will experience a decline in performance. This decline can cause the device to become slow when used. In addition, it can also interfere with activities in using a smartphone.

Causes of a slow-running smartphone

Full RAM

RAM (Random Access Memory) is temporary data storage and becomes a bridge of applications and commands and only runs when the device is on. RAM capacity can influence data processing speed. The cause of full RAM can be caused by many applications running at once, the use of widgets and animations, and other things that make RAM used.

Full storage space

The data and applications on the smartphone are, of course, stored in the storage space. This storage space has read and write capacity. The more data and applications, the more storage space will be filled and eventually full, which will cause the speed of reading data to decrease, which ultimately makes the smartphone run slowly.

Excessive use of widgets and animations

Widgets and animations can beautify the appearance of a smartphone and can provide flexibility of use and customization. Widgets and complex visual effects on the home screen can drain system resources and slow down performance.

A large number of actively running apps

Exiting an app by simply pressing the home button will indeed exit the app, but the app is still running in the background. In addition, closed apps can also still be active to synchronize data. Letting too many apps run in the background can consume RAM and battery power, resulting in sluggish performance.

Older device

Smartphones are devices that are made and designed to be used for a long time. Of course, gradually, the performance of the hardware (hardware) inside will decrease in quality, which can result in a slow-running smartphone.

Excessive use of gadgets

Smartphone devices can work well depending on their use. Smartphones with good quality may only be able to maintain their performance for a short period if they are used carelessly and with maintenance.

Cache accumulates

Cache is data that is temporarily stored on a smartphone when an application is used. This cache file contains data related to the track record of application usage. Cache data can accumulate over time, which can make the memory full and can make the smartphone sluggish.

Software not updated

App and operating system updates not only bring new features but also bug fixes and performance improvements. Only updating your device regularly can result in improved performance.

Unofficial apps

Downloading and installing unofficial apps from outside legitimate sources can pose a security risk. In addition, they can provide annoying advertisements and degrade smartphone performance.

Battery optimization

Activating the battery will reduce the performance of the smartphone, which in turn will make the smartphone slow down slightly to provide longer battery life.

Understanding the habits that can cause a smartphone to slow down and the steps to take to prevent it can provide an opportunity to keep the smartphone running well and provide a smoother experience in daily use.

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